Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Rockets: Teagan
This is a presentation about the rockets we made with Tamaki College's deputy principal Mr Dunn. The day was a very fun day and we learnt a lot about the recovery systems and nose cone and fins of the rocket.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Language Features: Teagan
These are the lyrics that I found that had language features in the song "Lalala" by Sam Smith. The language feature in this song was a simile.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. This stage has been hard, hopefully the next round I can get them all right.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Space Quiz: Teagan
This is my quiz about space. It has 5 questions and they are all multiple choice. Try and answer these questions and see how many you get right.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Rich Tasks: Teagan
This is my maths strategy. We had rich tasks and in our thinking groups we had to come up with strategies to work it out.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. I just need to get 24 divided by 4 and hopefully I will get to the next stage.
My Worst Mistake:
My Worst Mistake
It was just a normal day. I was hanging out with Jacob and his older brother at their house. We were outside playing soccer in their tiny driveway. It was about 7 meters wide and there was a huge wooden fence separating their house from their neighbors house. Jacobs older brother was passing the ball against the fence when suddenly... he punted the ball and it went flying, as it shattered the neighbours window and bursted into the house. We bolted inside.
As we were running my heart was pounding, as though it was going to burst out and fall on the ground. We all went inside and slammed the door behind us as we were all in shock. We started looking outside the window and the neighbour came out, but with a soccer ball in her hand, Jacobs soccer ball in her hand and looked furious. We apologised and neighbor said she was angry because her son was close to the window. We all just wanted the day to end. I think that was the worst mistake I ever made.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge: Teagan
This is a the book Bringing back the dead by Belinda Hollyer and it is a noel. I retold the story in 25 words or less.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge: Teagan
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge: Teagan
This book is called I survived by Lauren Tarshis and it is a novel. It is about the tragedy, 9/11. I was born on this day so this book is special to me. So I retold this story in 25 words or less.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Read Around The World: Teagan
This is Quaid and my presentation on reading around the world. It has got 13 countries and 5 countries that we picked on our own. We put the traditional dress, traditional dish, 3 interesting facts and a famous person from the country. On slide 4 there is a map, click the diamonds of where the countries are and it will take to the country.
World Map: Teagan
This is San Tat and my map on where we are from. San Tat is from Burma and I am from Niue. The distance between Burma and Auckland s 10,851 km. The distance between Niue and Auckland is 2,249 km. The difference is 8,602 km.
Food In My Culture: Teagan
I am from Niue and one of the major celebrations we love to do is Christmas. My family loves to celebrate Christmas. We always start off at home and then go to my Nana’s house. My Mum always makes the best food. My brothers and I always get excited for the presents. We have a big lunch so my Mum and Dad prepare a lot of things the day before.
My Mum and Dad always prepare some of the food on Christmas Eve. My Dad always marinades the meats. My mum also does her chicken which is so good, as if it is from KFC. She also does her mussel chowder and the rest of her seafoods. My brothers and I always make sure that there is some cookies and a glass of milk, and that our stockings are up. When my brothers fall asleep I eat two of the cookies and bite one in half and drink all the milk. My mum fills up the stockings with a lot of chocolates and heaps of lollies. They just can’t wait for Christmas.
Now usually my brothers sleep in, but because it is Christmas, they are up extra early. They are running and screaming down the hallway screaming “Its Christmas! Its Christmas!” They wake me up. They dash to their presents and they are very happy. As my Mum and Dad have already prepared the food, all they have to do is cook it. My brothers and I eat our chocolate and lollies then I tell them that Santa has been here, because he has eaten the cookies.
Once lunch it ready we all go and eat. We have Ham (cold), ribs, crispy chicken, prawns, crab salad and my dad’s favourite thing to cook, is chicken curry. Then we eat the rest of our lollies. My Mum and Dad pack some of the food and we get ready to take it to our Nana’s.
We always take food down to my Nana’s. Our aunties, uncles, cousins always bring food so we have a big feast. Every Christmas our family has a big party and we celebrate. Sometimes we have presents for other family members or we are celebrating someone coming back from overseas. My Nana would always give my brothers and I the best presents, because we see her all the time. She would also give us lollies too, so we would have lollies for breakfast, lollies for lunch, and lollies for dinner.
My family loves to celebrate Christmas. My mum always makes the best food, so starts making it the night before. My brothers and I always get excited for the presents, and that’s why I love Christmas.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Migration: Teagan
This is Wiremu and I's prezi on migration. It has a lot of information if you want to migrate to New Zealand and what you have to do.
Home Alone: Teagan

Home Alone:
Have you ever seen a 8 year old kid beat up two grown men? Home alone is a hilarious movie which will make anyone laugh no matter if they’re two or two hundred they are going to laugh. It is a comedy movie that the whole family will like. There is a lot of humor, some action and some mystery.
The Mcalister's family house was always loud and a little bit crazy. Their alarm didn’t wake them up and they were late to their trip to France. They got up and rushed to the airport and just made their plane in time, but they were missing one important thing, little brother Kevin.
While 8 year old Kevin is left home alone, two idiotic robbers think of a plan to rob the house. Kevin sees this and makes a plan to defend his fortress, (his house). Meanwhile his family is frantically trying to hop on the next plane back but they have to wait, so they all split up . Will they get back home in time for Christmas? Will Kevin defend his house?
This is a really good movie because it is hilarious and the action scenes are really good. This is a family movie it will make everyone laugh.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
The Fence:
As the wind blows her hair, she looks over the fence. Her mum told her never to jump the fence and go over, so she could only imagine what was inside. She dreams of leaping the fence and going inside. She couldn't wait the suspense was killing her, suddenly her hands and her legs went over the fence.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Telling When: Teagan

As I get up I can feel the goosebumps chilling through my body. I can see white stuff all over my front lawn, it looks like frost. My mum turns on the stove to keep the kitchen warm so I hop in the kitchen and I feel like I'm in heaven. All my problems go away as I stand by the stove. My mums says to me, “Its really cold today isn’t it?”
Monday, 8 September 2014
Xtra Math: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. I just need to get two questions right (24 divided by 3, 28 divided by 4). I can move onto the next level if I get them right.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
The Gift: Teagan
The gift was redder than blood, it was screaming at me telling me to open it. Something rushed out then back it as quick as lightning. It looked like a tail from a sizzling slimy snake. I could feel the eyes from the gift glaring at me just waiting for me to open it. And I was pretty sure the red bow on top was trying to snip my hands off every time I got close to open it. I opened up the feisty, fiery gift and something black was in there. It had a square body and 5 arms, I was as scared as if I was walking through a cemetery at night. I thought is was a 5 armed monster that had come to get me. I pulled it out and to my surprise, the 5 armed sizzling slimy snake monster was a playstation.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
I Remember As If It Was Yesterday: Teagan
I remember as it was yesterday, getting picked for Auckland Touch. One day there was trials and my dad had told me to go along. I had only played touch at school but never knew the real rules. My dad just told me to have fun and play around. We started warming up and then played a game. We were down at the other teams tryline, I got the ball, I ran, dummying the ball, stepping back and then put the ball on the ground, I had scored a try. The game was over and I had to wait three days until they told me if I was in. My dad got a phone call from Auckland touch and told me that there was some good news and some bad news, the good news is that I made it in but the bad news was that I had to trial again with all the other boys that made it. I came back and had to look on the website to see if I was in. I was so eager, I kept on checking the website over and over again until finally the list was out. I went onto the website and saw my name. I jumped up in the air with excitement and that was an important memory in my life.
Monday, 1 September 2014
Rugby: Teagan

Rugby is a exciting game that everybody loves to play. It can be played by male or females. It was made up in England when a guy picked up a soccer ball and started running with it. It is mainly played in New Zealand where the rugby team is more important than the prime minister. Rugby is a hard game to understand but it becomes easier when you know what to do where to stand, and where to score.
In rugby there are 15 players in a team, 8 forwards and 7 backs and 30 players on the field ( 15 players each side). Most of them have different places and different jobs to do. The first positions are the front row, they are forwards and there is three of them. There are 2 props and 1 hooker that make up the front row. There job is blowing over and making sure the ball is protected. Then there is a back row, they are also forwards and there is three of them. There is a Number 8, Locks, and flankers. The flankers and the locks jobs are to steal the ball. The number 8s catch the ball in the lineout, they make sure the ball is secure for the backs to get and are usually strong ball runners. Now the backs, the wingers are the people on the edge of the field and the are the speed. The midfield,(center and second five) they are good ball runners and are usually aggressive tacklers. The first five is the leader of the backs they are calm and have good kicking and passing skills. The halfback are the connection between the backs and the forwards, they control the forwards and then pass it out to the backs. The positions are crucial to scoring points.
The points scoring in rugby is very easy to understand. A try is 5 points but a converted try is 7 points. (Kicking a goal over to get an extra 2 points). Kicking a conversion from a penalty is 3 points, and a dropkick is also 3 points. To score a try you must put the ball down in the opposite teams tryline, scoring in the middle is better the give the goal kicker an easier a position to kick from. To get a conversion or a drop kick you must get the ball over and through the goal posts. These points would have never have came around without the invention of rugby.
Rugby was developed in the 19th century from football games. The invention of rugby happened during a football game. William Webb Ellis was playing football when he picked up a ball and started to run with it. The first game was played at a rugby school. From then it went from rugby football to rugby league then to as we all know now rugby union. Rugby was made into a World cup where teams all over the world come and play for the Webb Ellis cup. It was then made into a Rugby sevens which is seven players, seven minutes each half, countries from around the world were playing.
Rugby is an exciting game that everybody loves to play. It can be played by Males and Females. Webb Ellis a man from England is the reason why we all play rugby. Many countries around the world love to play it.
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my Xtra Maths results. I just need to get those three answers that aren't green correct then I can advance to 1 second.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Monday, 18 August 2014
My Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. I only need to get the yellow equations right then I can go onto the 1 second stage.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. I just need to get 8x5 right then I can move on to division 1.5 seconds.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Hexagon Art: Teagan
This is my hexagon art.I used a protractor and compass for my design. The thing I like best about my design are the colours as its very bright. I would change the circles in the middle because it doesn't look the same as the lines outside of it.
Monday, 28 July 2014
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. Now I have 3 in yellow. I have to answer all these questions so I can move on to the next level .
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Bee Dancing: Teagan
We read a book on how bees dance to communicate. We got asked if our teacher did these dances what would they mean. Here are my answers.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Timetable Progress: Teagan
This is my spreadsheet of my progress though our timetable sheets. This time going down means its good because it means that I have been getting faster each time I have been doing the sheets. Week 1 was my worst week because I took 89 seconds. The fastest I did the sheet in was 50 seconds.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Fire Personification: Teagan
The fire was swallowing the house.
The fire ran wild.
The fire leaped and grabbed the house above.
The fire licked the grass turning it into ashes.
The fire ran away from the water.This is 5 sentences of fire being used in personification.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Where We're From: Teagan
The countries that have been pinned are the countries that we or our parents or grandparents were born in. The countries with red pins over were the countries that some of the students were born in and some of our parents were born in. The countries with the blue diamonds over them are the countries that some of the students parents were born in. The countries with green squares over them are the countries are the countries are grandparents or great grandparents were born in.
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths. I only to get 9x7 right in the next one then I can move on to the next stage.
Friday, 18 July 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge: Teagan
I was reading Big Nate and Friends by Lincoln Pierce on a plane. It was a novel. My dad, my brother and I went to Melbourne so I decided to read my book while I was on the plane. I had a window seat so I took a picture of the wings and the horizon.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge (Gold Team): By Teagan
I read the book Gold Team by Sally Odgers which was a graphic novel. The activity I chose was the get active activity, the challenge was to get a picture of us playing a sport similar to the sport in the book. This is a picture of me playing rugby because the sport that the people played in Gold Team was similar. I am fending off this person trying to tackle me,
Monday, 7 July 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge (Drowned Planet) By Teagan
Does my brother look scary? I read the book Drowned Planet by Sally Odgers which was a graphic novel. In the book there was a character that lived in the water. It was a monster. I decided to take a picture of my brother and make him look like the monster. The monster had green horns and a green staff. Now my brother thinks he is the scariest monster ever roaring everywhere.
Friday, 4 July 2014
My Prezi: Teagan
This is a link to my prezi about sustainability. We had to research 2 questions. My questions were What is deforestation and how can we stop it, and What is global warming. Copy the link and put it into the search engine to get it.
This is a link to my prezi about sustainability. We had to research 2 questions. My questions were What is deforestation and how can we stop it, and What is global warming. Copy the link and put it into the search engine to get it.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Differences /Similarities: Teagan
This is my differences and similarities of the 16th century map of the pacific ocean and the 21st century map of the ocean.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
My Classroom: Teagan
This is a picture I drew of our classroom. As you can tell its not very good but I was blindfolded so I had to draw our class from memory. I had to do this activity because I read this story about a man that was blind and he lived an amazing life.
Uncle Rusty: Teagan
Uncle rusty was in the desert making a video about life in the desert. He looked at this colossal mountain and wanted to climb to get to the other side. As he was climbing he slipped on a crack and fell into to a hole and fell and knocked himself out. He was unconscious. When he woke up his left arm was numb and his head was bleeding with a nasty headache. When he looked over at his arm it was wedged into this rock. He went to pull it out but it never did. He tried with all of his might to pull it out but it wouldn’t come out. He filmed himself with his arm stuck between the rock and the mountain for 36 hours and by that time the only water he had was the saliva in his mouth and that was almost out. He found in swiss army knife in his pocket and realized that that was his only option. He was in pain as he was cutting his own arm. He got out from the little hole he was in bolted into the desert. He could see a family in the distance so he started running. That family took him to the nearest hospital and now his left arm is robotic.
This is my story. We had to make a little story about this book that I read. It was about a mum who was making up stories and telling her children about their uncle Rusty. This would of been my story if I would have told the children.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Sand Erosion: Teagan
This is my poster about sand erosion and how many people have perished because there has been no signs warning them.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Teagan: Interior Design
This is my classroom. I added 5 new things I added 2 new rooms, a kitchen and a music room, I added some beanbags, and many more things. This is my dream classroom.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
The letter Q: Teagan
I read this story on how this boy had a writing test and needed an idea until he picked up this book about the letter Q. The task was to find as many words starting with Q as we could and find 3 definitions for 3 words we don't know.
Losing Keys: Teagan
I read this story on how this man lost all these keys for this hotel. The task was to come up with alternative ways to get into your house without losing your keys. This are ways of getting into your house without keys.
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Dihydrogen Monoxide: Teagan
This is my poster on why dihydrogen monoxide is bad. We had to this to put it on top of our tap in the classroom.
Monday, 9 June 2014
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths. I have to answer all these question in under 1.5 seconds, it is challenging sometimes but I can get it done.
Friday, 6 June 2014
My Special Place: Teagan
When I was a kid and still now my special place (or the place I was forced to go) was my nana’s house in Panmure. My Mum and Dad work really early in the morning so I have to wake up and go to down to my nana house until school time, then wait after school for my parents to pick me up. I would get my nana newspaper, see my cousins if they’re there and sleep over every once and a while.
Every morning at about 7 o'clock I would be forced to get my nana a newspaper and a loaf of bread. I would have to dash up the 4 degree road to get my nana a newspaper and a hot loaf of bread. I would get to the bakery just after it opened so the bread just came out the oven and it was nice and hot. Now my nana didn't know the price of a loaf and bread and a newspaper, so I would lie and say that it was $7 dollars so that I could get me an up and go to drink before school.
After I got my nana a newspaper my cousin Tyler would usually come down. We would go upstairs and play xbox with my other cousins if they’re home. Our family is really competitive, we would always be screaming and shouting over this olympics game. We would always play the 100 metre sprints and see who would come first. My older cousin would come down to my nana’s so she could do her shopping, I would tell my little brother to say if we could get takeaways. My older cousin would always get us some Mcdonalds or Wendy’s, if we were really lucky he would get us some Dunkin Donuts too.
At night sometimes me and my brothers would sleepover. My nana would have this cupboard of food. All my cousins never use to eat my nana’s food because they said it was expired or it was in this foreign language. I would just go upstairs and take some food so that I could eat that instead of eating my nana’s weird expired food. Every time that I stayed over their was either a league game or a rugby game. My uncle and I would stay up late to watch the game. My uncle would have had a few beers by that time so he would be screaming at the referee on the t.v, and so would I. When
I woke up they would make me breakfast but I wasn’t eating it.
My nana house is my special place, I now know where all the good hiding spots are when we play hide and go seek or I’m just about to get a hiding. It is special because of the food and my cousins. My nanas house will always be my special place.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
RUN: Teagan
Never use the word RUN, our teacher said.
It doesn't mean a thing!
Try.... Sprint, Dash, Dart,
Rush, Bolt, Hurry,
Scurry, Scuttle, Scamper-
the choice is as long as a string!
But please never use the word RUN,
It doesn't mean a thing!
Teagan: Chippie Packets.
Chippie Packets In Room 6
This is a line chart on how many chippie packets room 6 has brought in over 3 days. On the first day room 6 brought in 14 chippie packets. The next day we brought in less chippie packets with a total 13. On the last day unfortunately room 6 had brought in 18 non recyclable chippie packets the highest of the 3 days.
Altogether room 6 brought in 45 chippie packets over the three days. The line chart is very mixed it went from high to low to very high.
Room 6 need to work on bringing naked food and less chippie packets. If every class brought in 45 chippie packets over a year there would be 585 chippie packets coming out of Panmure Bridge School.
Monday, 19 May 2014
My Holiday Reading Report: Teagan
Holiday Reading
On the last week of school the year seven and eight students from Panmure Bridge School got given a challenge. The challenge was to read three novels at home during the holidays to improve our reading, and complete an activity and post it on your blog for each novel.
During the holidays I read the book Most Valuable Player. This book is set in America and is about a very good basketball player named Ashley. I wanted to do the dress up like a character activity because I had a lot of basketball singlets. So I dressed up as Ashley for my activity because Ashley is the main character in the story.
Next I had my second book to read Alien Rescue. This book was set in an alien planet called Halycrus and I wanted to make a new cover for the book. I made a very exciting looking cover design because you can see the aliens being rescued from the mountain swine.
Finally my last book that I had to read, Jake the Shredder, where I drew one of the characters. Then I drew an amazing picture of Jake because he, besides Betty was the main character in the story. I also drew him holding a skateboard because he likes skateboarding at the skatepark, where the story is set.
This challenge was very interesting because I really enjoyed reading my three novels. My activities were fun and looked exciting. I completed all the activities and posted them onto my blog.
Their, There, and They're: Teagan
This is my score for the word choice exercise. We had to practise or their, there, and they're. I got 100 percent correct.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Biodegradable: Teagan
If something is biodegradable it will break down into the Earth.
These things take 1 year to break down:
- Plywood
- Wool socks
- Cigarette butts
These things take 5 years to break down:
- Paper milk cartons
- Egg trays
Non Biodegradable things cannot break down into the Earth.
These ten things are not biodegradable and should be recycled:
- Plastic bags
- Metal
- Glass
- Dangerous chemicals
- Toxins
- Plastic drink bottles
- Aluminium cans
- Oil
- Styrofoam
- Tires
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. I have finished all the levels and now have to complete it under 2 seconds.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Conservation: Teagan
This is Me and Andre's poster about conservation.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
That Was Summer: Teagan
That Was Summer
Have you ever tasted summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you heard the siren of Mr. Whippy
or waiting in line for some ice cream
and you were hot
and you ran to the truck screeching and screaming for it to stop?
Remember how cold the ice cream felt on your tongue
and trickling down your face?
That was summer.
Have you ever touched summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you saw the opposition
or you were getting ready to play and you were eager
and you got the ball and dashed down the field scoring the try?
Remember feeling thrilled to score a try,
getting pats on the back from your team mates?
That was summer.
Have you ever smelt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you smelt the chlorine in the pool
or gazed at the freezing pool
and you were hot and rushed to the pool?
Remember how crisp the water felt
all chilled and icy?
That was summer.
Have you ever heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when it was your turn to bat
or you were next in line
and you were ecstatic
and you rushed to the bat
Remember the sound of the ball hitting the bat
dashing through all the bases?
That was summer.
Have you ever heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time you heard the birds tweeting in the trees
or ukuleles playing in the background
and you were feeling excited for the next subject
and you bolted to music
Remember the sound of the beater thumping the xylophone
sounding like the birds in the trees?
That was summer.
Monday, 5 May 2014
Algebra Game: Teagan
Today we played the algebra game. To play you use substitution to answer the question. It was quite tricky because we were swapping numbers with letters.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge ( Jake The Shredder): Teagan
This book is called Jake the Shredder which is written by Mike Stewart. This book is a graphic novel. This character that I have drawn is called Jake. Jake is a great skater he has a friend called Betty and him and her always like to skateboard after school.
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