
Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Explosive Chips: By Teagan

Explosive Chips

Once upon a time their was a man named John. John had a little cat named Snowball. John had brown hair and a little moustache. Snowball, his cat had white fur, a pink nose and a long white tail. John worked as a Cook for the restaurant in the city, “Mikes Food”. He would work night shift from: 5:00pm till 11:00pm at night, he was very tired.

One day he had was working a bit later so he was cooking his own dinner. He fed Snowball and went to cook himself some chips and steak. John cooked his chips and he did the worst thing a cook can do. He left fat from the chips  on the pan. John didn't notice and left with Snowball all by himself at home. Snowball could smell something burning and hear something beeping loudly. Soon later Snowball couldn't see. His eyes were blocked by the ugly grey mist. The next door neighbours saw smoke and red flames popping in and out of the window. So they called the fire brigade  and the loud engine noise was as loud as a rocket launcher.

John came home from his shift. He could see red flashing lights and black and grey smoke skimming the top of his car. As he could got closer he soon later figured that it was his house that was burning. He saw the hoses spraying and the hospital people taking his cat to the vet. Snowball had a burnt ear and burned skin. John asked the doctor if  he could come but the doctor said no. When they took Snowball to the vet John felt guilty for Snowballs injuries. They took Snowball to the vet and fixed  her all up. It would take Snowball about three weeks for her to recover. Finally  Snowball came back. She could only hear from her left ear and it would take awhile for her fur to grow back but John still loved her.

John bought a new house in Grey Lynn. It was quite flash. He also got fired because his boss heard about the accident and didn't want him to cause it again in the restaurant. He now works as a teller at the National bank. John checked the pan every time he could something with fat on it. Snowballs fur grew back and they lived happily ever after.

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