Thursday, 25 September 2014
Read Around The World: Teagan
This is Quaid and my presentation on reading around the world. It has got 13 countries and 5 countries that we picked on our own. We put the traditional dress, traditional dish, 3 interesting facts and a famous person from the country. On slide 4 there is a map, click the diamonds of where the countries are and it will take to the country.
World Map: Teagan
This is San Tat and my map on where we are from. San Tat is from Burma and I am from Niue. The distance between Burma and Auckland s 10,851 km. The distance between Niue and Auckland is 2,249 km. The difference is 8,602 km.
Food In My Culture: Teagan
I am from Niue and one of the major celebrations we love to do is Christmas. My family loves to celebrate Christmas. We always start off at home and then go to my Nana’s house. My Mum always makes the best food. My brothers and I always get excited for the presents. We have a big lunch so my Mum and Dad prepare a lot of things the day before.
My Mum and Dad always prepare some of the food on Christmas Eve. My Dad always marinades the meats. My mum also does her chicken which is so good, as if it is from KFC. She also does her mussel chowder and the rest of her seafoods. My brothers and I always make sure that there is some cookies and a glass of milk, and that our stockings are up. When my brothers fall asleep I eat two of the cookies and bite one in half and drink all the milk. My mum fills up the stockings with a lot of chocolates and heaps of lollies. They just can’t wait for Christmas.
Now usually my brothers sleep in, but because it is Christmas, they are up extra early. They are running and screaming down the hallway screaming “Its Christmas! Its Christmas!” They wake me up. They dash to their presents and they are very happy. As my Mum and Dad have already prepared the food, all they have to do is cook it. My brothers and I eat our chocolate and lollies then I tell them that Santa has been here, because he has eaten the cookies.
Once lunch it ready we all go and eat. We have Ham (cold), ribs, crispy chicken, prawns, crab salad and my dad’s favourite thing to cook, is chicken curry. Then we eat the rest of our lollies. My Mum and Dad pack some of the food and we get ready to take it to our Nana’s.
We always take food down to my Nana’s. Our aunties, uncles, cousins always bring food so we have a big feast. Every Christmas our family has a big party and we celebrate. Sometimes we have presents for other family members or we are celebrating someone coming back from overseas. My Nana would always give my brothers and I the best presents, because we see her all the time. She would also give us lollies too, so we would have lollies for breakfast, lollies for lunch, and lollies for dinner.
My family loves to celebrate Christmas. My mum always makes the best food, so starts making it the night before. My brothers and I always get excited for the presents, and that’s why I love Christmas.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Migration: Teagan
This is Wiremu and I's prezi on migration. It has a lot of information if you want to migrate to New Zealand and what you have to do.
Home Alone: Teagan
Home Alone:
Have you ever seen a 8 year old kid beat up two grown men? Home alone is a hilarious movie which will make anyone laugh no matter if they’re two or two hundred they are going to laugh. It is a comedy movie that the whole family will like. There is a lot of humor, some action and some mystery.
The Mcalister's family house was always loud and a little bit crazy. Their alarm didn’t wake them up and they were late to their trip to France. They got up and rushed to the airport and just made their plane in time, but they were missing one important thing, little brother Kevin.
While 8 year old Kevin is left home alone, two idiotic robbers think of a plan to rob the house. Kevin sees this and makes a plan to defend his fortress, (his house). Meanwhile his family is frantically trying to hop on the next plane back but they have to wait, so they all split up . Will they get back home in time for Christmas? Will Kevin defend his house?
This is a really good movie because it is hilarious and the action scenes are really good. This is a family movie it will make everyone laugh.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
The Fence:
As the wind blows her hair, she looks over the fence. Her mum told her never to jump the fence and go over, so she could only imagine what was inside. She dreams of leaping the fence and going inside. She couldn't wait the suspense was killing her, suddenly her hands and her legs went over the fence.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Telling When: Teagan

As I get up I can feel the goosebumps chilling through my body. I can see white stuff all over my front lawn, it looks like frost. My mum turns on the stove to keep the kitchen warm so I hop in the kitchen and I feel like I'm in heaven. All my problems go away as I stand by the stove. My mums says to me, “Its really cold today isn’t it?”
Monday, 8 September 2014
Xtra Math: Teagan
This is my xtra maths score. I just need to get two questions right (24 divided by 3, 28 divided by 4). I can move onto the next level if I get them right.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
The Gift: Teagan
The gift was redder than blood, it was screaming at me telling me to open it. Something rushed out then back it as quick as lightning. It looked like a tail from a sizzling slimy snake. I could feel the eyes from the gift glaring at me just waiting for me to open it. And I was pretty sure the red bow on top was trying to snip my hands off every time I got close to open it. I opened up the feisty, fiery gift and something black was in there. It had a square body and 5 arms, I was as scared as if I was walking through a cemetery at night. I thought is was a 5 armed monster that had come to get me. I pulled it out and to my surprise, the 5 armed sizzling slimy snake monster was a playstation.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
I Remember As If It Was Yesterday: Teagan
I remember as it was yesterday, getting picked for Auckland Touch. One day there was trials and my dad had told me to go along. I had only played touch at school but never knew the real rules. My dad just told me to have fun and play around. We started warming up and then played a game. We were down at the other teams tryline, I got the ball, I ran, dummying the ball, stepping back and then put the ball on the ground, I had scored a try. The game was over and I had to wait three days until they told me if I was in. My dad got a phone call from Auckland touch and told me that there was some good news and some bad news, the good news is that I made it in but the bad news was that I had to trial again with all the other boys that made it. I came back and had to look on the website to see if I was in. I was so eager, I kept on checking the website over and over again until finally the list was out. I went onto the website and saw my name. I jumped up in the air with excitement and that was an important memory in my life.
Monday, 1 September 2014
Rugby: Teagan
Rugby is a exciting game that everybody loves to play. It can be played by male or females. It was made up in England when a guy picked up a soccer ball and started running with it. It is mainly played in New Zealand where the rugby team is more important than the prime minister. Rugby is a hard game to understand but it becomes easier when you know what to do where to stand, and where to score.
In rugby there are 15 players in a team, 8 forwards and 7 backs and 30 players on the field ( 15 players each side). Most of them have different places and different jobs to do. The first positions are the front row, they are forwards and there is three of them. There are 2 props and 1 hooker that make up the front row. There job is blowing over and making sure the ball is protected. Then there is a back row, they are also forwards and there is three of them. There is a Number 8, Locks, and flankers. The flankers and the locks jobs are to steal the ball. The number 8s catch the ball in the lineout, they make sure the ball is secure for the backs to get and are usually strong ball runners. Now the backs, the wingers are the people on the edge of the field and the are the speed. The midfield,(center and second five) they are good ball runners and are usually aggressive tacklers. The first five is the leader of the backs they are calm and have good kicking and passing skills. The halfback are the connection between the backs and the forwards, they control the forwards and then pass it out to the backs. The positions are crucial to scoring points.
The points scoring in rugby is very easy to understand. A try is 5 points but a converted try is 7 points. (Kicking a goal over to get an extra 2 points). Kicking a conversion from a penalty is 3 points, and a dropkick is also 3 points. To score a try you must put the ball down in the opposite teams tryline, scoring in the middle is better the give the goal kicker an easier a position to kick from. To get a conversion or a drop kick you must get the ball over and through the goal posts. These points would have never have came around without the invention of rugby.
Rugby was developed in the 19th century from football games. The invention of rugby happened during a football game. William Webb Ellis was playing football when he picked up a ball and started to run with it. The first game was played at a rugby school. From then it went from rugby football to rugby league then to as we all know now rugby union. Rugby was made into a World cup where teams all over the world come and play for the Webb Ellis cup. It was then made into a Rugby sevens which is seven players, seven minutes each half, countries from around the world were playing.
Rugby is an exciting game that everybody loves to play. It can be played by Males and Females. Webb Ellis a man from England is the reason why we all play rugby. Many countries around the world love to play it.
Xtra Maths: Teagan
This is my Xtra Maths results. I just need to get those three answers that aren't green correct then I can advance to 1 second.
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