Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Star Wars Film Study: Teagan
Star Wars Film Study
L.I. - To know commonly used shot types and identify their use in film
To know the common elements of the science fiction / fantasy genre
To know the structure of a narrative as applied to film
To use Propp’s theory of narrative structure in a close viewing of film
Shot Types
Here is a table listing the commonly used shot types. You need to go here and find a description of each type of shot. Then after watching the opening sequence of Star Wars add the screen captures to the appropriate box.
Close up
A certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame.
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Medium shot
Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving an impression of the whole subject.
From head to toe
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Long shot
The subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as comfortably possible. Showing the whole body
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High angle shot
The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail. High up from you.
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Low angle shot
This shows the subject from below, giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant. It is when it is up high or down low
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Eye-level shot
This is the most common view, being the real-world angle that we are all used to. It shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life. It is a fairly neutral shot.
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Reverse angle shot
Looking from behind a person at the subject.
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A pan is a horizontal camera movement in which the camera moves left and right about a central axis. This is a swiveling movement, i.e. mounted in a fixed location on a tripod or shoulder, rather than a dolly-like movement in which the entire mounting system moves.
Left and Right.
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Dollying / Tracking
A dolly is a cart which travels along tracks. The camera is mounted on the dolly and records the shot as it moves. Dolly shots have a number. It is a big dolly of applications and can provide very dramatic footage.
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A tilt is a vertical camera movement in which the camera points up or down from a stationary location. For example, if you mount a camera on your shoulder and nod it up and down, you are tilting the camera. Up Down
Screen captures - This table should be empty when you have completed the activity.
Character Introductions
To save time in a film filmmakers tell us what to think about a character the first time we meet them. How true is this in the Star Wars film?
Fill in the table below after each character is introduced.
Shot type
All white
Theme song
He is with his auntie and uncle buying droids.
Low angle shot
all white
Sweet and charming
Shoots a star trooper
low angle shot.
Over hood
He’s wearing a hood and when he pulls his mood back he is nice
Eye level shot
Han Solo
He’s Boasting about his ship
High level shot
Being interview
over the shoulder shot
Darth Vader
Builds up
Talking command of the space ship
Low angle too seem powerful
C3PO & R2D2
crossing the passageway
What do you notice about the difference between the way the protagonist and the antagonist are introduced.
Character Development
According to Propp characters are one of 7 main types. As you watch the film try and identify one of these character types (some are easier than others). Fill in the table below with a photo from the movie.
Character type
The hero
Reacts to the donor (mentor, teacher), weds the princess
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The villain
Struggles against the hero
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Prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object
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The helper
Helps the hero in the quest
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The princess
Person the hero marries, often sought for during the narrative
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The false hero
Perceived as good character in beginning but emerges as evil
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The dispatcher
Character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off
Narrative Theory
According to Propp these things always happen in a narrative.
Add the descriptions to the table below and find an example of this in the film.
Propp says
In Star Wars
The villain harms a member of the community, kingdom or family
Darth Vader orders for Lukes aunt and uncle to be killed because he is looking for the drones.
The hero is tested or attacked
Obi-won is being attacked by Darth Vader and they are fighting to the death.
A member of the community, kingdom or family leaves home
Lukes leaves his community to avenge his aunt and uncle.
Struggle 1
The hero is branded or hurt
Luke is hurt by Obi-won dieing.
Struggle 2
The villain is overcome
Darth Vader is overcome by Luke.
Struggle 3
There is a struggle between the hero and the villain (Obi - one VS Darth Vader)
Obi-won and Darth Vader are fighting then Obi-won sees Luke and purposely gets hit by Darth Vader lightsaber causing Obi-wonto die. Obi-won knew that Luke would avenge him.
The hero escapes
Luke and Hansolo escape after blowing up Darth Vaders world.
The hero gets the reward
Luke and Hansolo get medals for blowing up the Darth Vaders world.
Monday, 2 December 2013
How to make a Water scoop: Teagan
This is a presentation on how to make a water scoop.
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