
Wednesday 29 May 2013

My Maths Task: Teagan

Finding fractions

a)  At a fancy dress party ¼  of the 80 people had costumes. Show how to work out how many people had costumes at the party.
80 Divided by 4=
1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Answer: ___20_______
b)  ⅔  of the class of 24 students owned cell phones. Show how to work out how many students in the class owned cell phones.
24 Divided by 3 = 8
Answer: ____16______
c)   There are 180 students. 6/10  of them walk to school. Show how to work out how many students walked to school.
180 Divided by 10=18
18x2=36 18x2=36 18x2=36
Answer: ____108______
d)  There are 150 students at the school. ⅘ of the students went to the school camp. Show how to work out how many students went to camp.
150 Divided by 5=30
Answer: ______120____
This was my math task. Try and get the answer without looking at the answer. If you get the answer without looking your the man, if you do look at the answer its ok.

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